Brittany Anas, freelance writer
Annie Brokaw, information architect and user experience designer
University of Colorado in Boulder
Reba Sparrow, Northwest ambassador
Think Humanity
Cathie Mahen, author
"The Ruby Stones"
"The questions that you have asked me over the last three months have inspired me to look deeper, to feel harder and to see words as a whole new world of expression. I have always loved to write but dreaded the editing part. Now I find that in the editing lies another side to creation. So thank you, I now read things that I have written without wincing!"
- Tabitha Farrar,
author of "Anorexia Speaks"
"I love it! It is mine, but better and tied up with a pretty little bow!"
- Ava Roxanne Stritt,
on Aimee Heckel's editing
"Sincerest thanks to you, Aimee, for the beautiful article you wrote. It is so thoughtful and true to the point. I am incredibly happy and proud to see it. You did a fantastic job representing the troupe."
- Jenna Noah,
on Aimee Heckel's reporting